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Liturgical Ministries    Click here for all ministries and programs 


The Ministries listed below are ministries carried out during our liturgical celebrations especially The Celebration of the Eucharist.  If you are interested in participating in one of these ministries you may contact the Parish Office.


Altar Servers

Altar Servers are assigned to assist the priest and deacon at The Celebration of the Eucharist on Sunday and Holy Days on a regularly scheduled basis.  The ministry is open to all adults and youth of the parish who have made their First Communion and who attend The Celebration of the Eucharist each week.  Training is provided.  If you have questions of would like training to serve at Mass, contact the parish office at 518 346-4926 x 122



Traditional Choir for Mass at St Margaret's:


Come make a joyful noise as we lift our voices in praise to God every other week at the 10am St. Margaret’s Mass. Contact: Pamela Zilka, 518 377-2653



Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers help to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at The Celebration of the Eucharist on Sunday and Holy Days on a regularly scheduled basis.  The ministry is open to all who have been confirmed, who attend The Celebration of the Eucharist each week and who live faith-filled lives.  Contact the parish office at 518 346 4926  x122.   Training is provided.



What a blessing to be able to share the word of God during the Mass. Each lector

receives a guidebook with the Sunday readings, tips on how to present the readings, and thoughts on the meaning of the readings. Sharing in this ministry can enrich your Mass experience as you help to enrich the experience for others.

Lectors proclaim the Word of God during The Celebration of the Eucharist on Sunday and Holy Days on a regularly scheduled basis.  Lectors need to be able to proclaim the Word of God well in public.    Contact the parish office at 518 346 4926.   Training is provided.


Ushers/Greeter Ministry

Ushers/Greeters welcome parishioners and visitors to the church as they enter on Sundays and major Holy Days on a regularly scheduled basis. Often this is the first face people see when entering a church. If you are someone who likes to meet people, appreciates the value of a warm smile and a friendly hello, this may be the perfect role for you. Ushers also pass the basket during the Offertory, designate people to carry the gifts up to the altar and guide people during and after Communion. The ministry is open to all who attend The Celebration of the Eucharist each week. The qualifications are simple: Be friendly, warm and helpful while SMILING all the time.  Training is provided.  If you are interested, contact Donna Denny, parish secretary at 518 346-4926 x 122.


Young Adult Ministry (Mohawk Catholic):

Meets the second Thursday of every month in the basement of St. Gabriel’s Church, 3040 Hamburg St. in Rotterdam. Come join us for fellowship as we journey together in faith. All between the ages of 18 – 39 are welcome. Come as you are, you do not have to be a Scripture scholar. Contact: for more details.





Building and Grounds


Maintain the building and grounds throughout the year. If you are handy

and would like to join our ministry, contact Linda Vaughn [St Margaret’s]: Chair, 518 248-0117


Frank Ranucci [OLQP]




















Hospitality [St Margaret’s]:   Help to set up the weekly coffee hour, which has become quite the event. If you help with set-up, you arrive at church at 9am. Mass begins at 10am. Coffee hour (which has really become more of a weekly brunch) follows. Join the fun and fellowship as you help to make it all possible. Clean up crews are also appreciated. It is a great community and great fun. Contact: Pam Urbanski, 518 902-8219

2014  by Our Lady Queen of Peace, Schenectady, NY. All rights reserved.  

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