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Comprehensive Youth Ministry and Youth Board


“Youth ministry is the response of the Christian community to the needs of young people and the sharing of the unique gifts of youth with the larger community” (RTV 1).


The National Conference of Catholic Bishops offered us this definition in their document, Renewing the Vision. We as a parish community all have a responsibility to affirm the faith, gifts, positive energy, and new ideas of our young people. We need to see all that the youth can offer as the church, not of tomorrow, but of today.


Our goals are:

1. To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today. We want to give the youth a voice in our community.

2. To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic community. We want to give them the chance to be active participants in their faith.

3. To foster the personal and spiritual growth of each young person. We strive to help the youth learn and grow in their faith.


There are 8 components that address specific areas in the mission of the church. These components unite to form the model of comprehensive youth ministry.



Community Life


Justice and Service

Leadership Development

Pastoral Care

Prayer and Worship


The Youth Board consists of a team of youth and adults who plan and implement activities and guide the incorporation of these 8 components across all service, social, and liturgical events. The Youth Board meets once a month and on an as-needed basis. All youth are invited to join the Youth Board, however youth do not need to be a member of the Board to participate in activities.


The Justice and Service Component


Our baptismal call requires us to provide service to others. In the same way we learn about Jesus’ teachings, we must also learn how to put His teaching into action. Middle and High School youth are asked to volunteer in the community, at church-related activities, and in Mass ministry. More information about volunteer activities is available through annual Parent Meetings, mailings home, and emails as opportunities arise. MOST importantly, parents and youth should not see this as a requirement or obligation to be fulfilled, but as the first steps to establishing a Christian lifestyle. We are the arms and legs of Christ on Earth!






2014  by Our Lady Queen of Peace, Schenectady, NY. All rights reserved.  

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