Our Lady Queen Of Peace
210 Princetown Rd.
Schenectady, New York 12306
(518) 346-4926
Mission Church: Saint Margaret of Cortona
Rotterdam Junction, New York 12150

A Mission is Calling
For quite some time, a small group of women and men from Our Lady Queen of Peace Church have been volunteering to serve dinner to the needy at the City Mission of Schenectady. We usually serve every other month on a Friday evening from 5-6:30 pm. Our assistance helps the “Mission” fulfill its goals, gives the needy a helping hand, and is a way for us to help carry out God’s plan. We also help the “Mission” for half a day in mid December to distribute toys and clothes for the Christmas season. Volunteering in this ministry is a great way for an entire family to participate, and is a meaningful and rewarding way for people with a minimal amount of time to volunteer. Although volunteering for each date is certainly welcomed, it is not required. If you would like to experience this opportunity, please contact the parish secretary [346-4926 x 122]. “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” ~St Francis of Assisi

Mission January 12, 2018

Previous Pictures of these Beautiful People

Look at the smiling faces on these beautiful people

Beautiful smiles again